This semester has brought several positive changes to help you get your work done:
Finale 2008 has been installed on 3 Mac Pros and 4 Windows computers in the Music Collection area, and three midi interface keyboards are on the way! Music collection supervisors Jason Smith and Kevin Blue both have experience using this software and they'll be happy to assist you. With Bracken's long hours you no longer have an excuse for not getting your arranging assignment finished!
Multisearch has been added to the Databases page. You can now simultaneously search a group of databases targeted toward music research or search several databases of your own choosing. RILM and Cardcat are included in Multisearch.
I have published "libguides," subject guides for libary research. There is one for general music research and a separate guide for opera research.
http://www.worldcat.org is a free version of Worldcat that builds on features from other applications and operates with Facebook. You can search for a book, score or recording and find libraries that own them, listed by distance. You can "favorite" BSU and other libraries you may go to, and you can share lists with others. And like youtube and photo hosting sites, you can add tags to your favorite recordings, books, or scores to help others find them. I started some lists to help people research my favorite topics: http://www.worldcat.org/profiles/amyedmonds/lists Anyone can do it!