John Adams: On the Transmigration of Souls
Adams won a Pulitzer Prize for this haunting work that uses the names of some of the victims as the text.
- Compact Disc 15245
- Naxos Music Library link (log in required from off campus)

Heggie used interviews of Houston natives as the text for haunting pieces set for three singers and a small group of instrumentalists.
Steve Reich: WTC 9/11
Pre-recorded voices from NORAD, the Fire Department of New York and interviews of friends and neighbors combine with the Kronos Quartet.
Kevin Malone: The Music of 9/11, vol. 1
Requiem77 includes recordings of air traffic controllers attempting to reach American Airlines Flight 77.
Robert Moran: Trinity Requiem
Trinity Church, located near the World Trade Center, commissioned this piece by Robert Moran and recorded it for its 10th anniversary commemoration.
Ingram Marshall: September Canons
Lera Auerbach: September 11: Op. 63 for violin & piano
Ned Rorem: Aftermath, a song cycle
Harold Levin: Meditation on the Twin Towers
On Naxos Music Library only:
- Karen Walwyn: Reflections on 9/11
- Kevin Puts: Symphony No. 2
- George Quincy: Voices from Ground Zero
For more information, check out this book:
The Politics of Post-9/11 Music: Sound, Trauma, and the Music Industry in the Time of Terror, edited by Joseph P. Fisher