B.B. King named his guitar "Lucille" for a barroom brawl over a woman named "Lucille." A candle sparked a fire, so B.B. rushed out of the bar. When he realized he'd left the guitar behind he went back into the burning bar to retrieve it. The brawl was caused by two men fighting over a woman named "Lucille," so he named the guitar (and subsequent guitars) "Lucille."
Read more in the Rolling Stone (May 15, 2015)
Read more about B.B. King in his autobiography, Blues All Around Me: ML 410 .K473 A3 1996
Willie Nelson ran into his burning home to rescue "Trigger," a Martin acoustic guitar that has been his constant companion since 1969 much as Roy Rodger's horse, Trigger, was a reliable companion for him. What higher compliment could a Texan pay to a guitar than to name it for a horse?
He tells the story in Rolling Stone (February 11, 2015)
He tells many more stories in his autobiography, Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die: Musings from the Road. (Available in the Bestseller Collection)

He discussed it and showed the damage on CBS News in Februrary 2012.
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